CrossFit Oakdale Summer Intro Sessions Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30pm $120 (privately $150)* Work in a group setting – Fun workout atmosphere Easy transition into CrossFit Classes** Learn progressions for movement that build strength and technique. Can’t do a pullup? Our intro sessions cover movements that you might not be able to do right now by teaching a progression that will build strength to do that movement later. Intro #1 – Burpees, website like this Kettlebell Swings, information pills Squatting (body weight and with weight) & Olympic Lift – Snatch Intro #2 – Pullups, sickness Box Jumps, Deadlifting & Olympic Lift- Clean Intro #3 – Double Unders, Toes to Bar, Overhead Lifting Intro #1 Intro #2 Intro #3 Tuesday June 14th Thursday June 16th Tuesday June 21st Thursday June 22nd Tuesday June 28th Thursday June 30th Tuesday July 5th Thursday July 7th Tuesday July 12th Thursday July 14th Tuesday July...
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