
Workout of the Day Gymnastics OTM 10 Handstand work Use the progression that works for you for 20 seconds.  Rest for 40.  Repeat for 10 rounds. Conditioning 10 RFT 10 Wallball Shots 20/14 10 Toes to Bar
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This weeks training plan is basically the same as last week – Milo of Hang Squat Clean and Push Press on Monday, sick Handstand work on Tuesday, # 60mg but we’ll do the Pull/Push work on Thursday.  There is running on Wednesday – it’s dare I say, a running workout.  I put together a workout for Friday, and as we reviewed the week, Alison told me, “you can’t do that to people.”  Ok, it’s much easier now – Friday is now a cakewalk.  Just kidding. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill “Milo” OTM 10 3 Hang Squat Clean, 2 Push Press Conditioning OTM 20 Even – As many Power Cleans as possible 165/110 Odd – Rest Score is total number of Power Cleans
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If by Tuesday you are wondering why your “likes” are down on social media, this what happened to all of the adorable #lucas videos went (I watched a few of them the other day in succession…just can’t get enough) or not as many timehop memories are being posted by others  – it is due to the blackout. The Whole Life Challenge Social Media Blackout.  For one week we will be logging out of all personal social media. This is not going to be easy for me. I WILL have to draw the line between business and personal. I am also going to up the ante. I have fallen off the wagon once again on my bedtime iPhone game. So silly. I definitely make the excuse of “it is mindless time that I NEED at the end of a busy day.” But it has taken away from the time to read,...
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I know we are ready for September to get on its way…we are almost in October:) And in the planning stages for Franniversary. It will be exactly 5 years to the day of the first official day of CrossFit Oakdale! Registration will open early next week – find a partner and come up with a team name. Be as creative as possible and REMEMBER Brian will be announcing it multiple times over the day of the competition. Workout of the Day 5 Rounds For Time 45 Double Unders 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 3 Squat Cleans 205/145 Time Cap 18 minutes
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CrossFit recommends a diet of that supports exercise of meat, thumb vegetables, # dosage fruit, tadalafil seeds, nuts, little starch and no sugar.  The Zone Diet is an excellent option, as is the Paleo… Ok.  Is the teacher gone?  Is anyone looking?  I get it, you want to eat right and exercise well.  But every once in awhile you want to eat something that makes you feel a mix of shame, lust and pride.  You want to text pictures of your food debauchery to your friends while the juices run down your chin. I ate at the Squeeze Inn in Tracy on Wednesday.  The Squeeze Inn first opened in Sacramento – I know I’ve seen it on TV.  It’s not cheap.  But the Double Cheeseburger is huge.  They make something called a “cheese skirt.”  Basically, if your burger was a planet, it would be Saturn.  The rings of Saturn would...
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