
Similar to week to last week – Milo on Monday, medical Hand stand work on Tuesday, a heavy Clean workout on Wednesday (similar to Friday’s OTM work), and Push/Pull OTM on Thursday. I thought of Monday’s workout in the shower.  It may seem pretty confusing on paper, but I think you’ll get the hang of it pretty quick.  It’s an OTM, with a little extra rest.  Once you clear the first 11 minutes, it becomes a “Death By,” which we do all the time.  But in this one, you rest every other minute. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill “Milo” OTM for 10 Perform 3 Hang squat Clean, 2 Push Press OTM for 10 Conditioning OTM for 3 (Minute 0, 1 and 2) 5 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 5 Wallball Shots 20/14 Rest 1 (Minute 3:00) OTM for 3 (Minute 4, 5 and 6) 6 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 6 Wallball...
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CrossFit at 9am and 10am Workout of the Day 9-12-15-12-9 Hang Squat Clean 135/95 Handstand Pushup We can scale the HSPU, approved Wall Climbs 1 to 3. At 10am, we will start with some Split Jerks
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Every Second Counts, buy the documentary about the 2008 CrossFit Games is on Netflix.This was the second iteration of the CrossFit Games.  I had just moved to California the month before, and I wanted to do it, but like a dummy, I didn’t.  As a CrossFitter, we didn’t really recognize CrossFit the training methodology as a sport.  I’m not sure the people involved int he Games at the time did.  They knew they had interesting people, and the event itself lent to some drama. As far as the Games itself, no one knew what to expect.  The events were not announced and there wasn’t a slew of past Games events to draw on.  Dave Castro and his crew used 4 sprint events, all timed together, to determine the fittest person on earth.  Even then, I think they did a pretty good job and got it right. At the time, CrossFit...
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Registration is OPEN for the 5th Annual Franniversary. This infamous event will take place on Saturday December 3rd. We have come up with some fun moments for you and your favorite WOD Partner. Teams can be 2 guys, recipe 2 gals or COED. There is an RX division and a SCALED Division. One person works, decease the other rests. You can register online at .   Did I mention $500 for the top RX team and $250 for the top scaled team along with other prizes! There are limited spots, advice so get signed up!!   Workout of the Day OTM 20 Even: Perform as many Clean and Jerks as possible 135/95 Odd: Rest
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Not sure how many you grew up watching the Adventures of Ford Fairlane on a VHS tape.  Andrew Dice Clay played a rock and roll private eye, sick and Ed O’Neill was his adversarial detective.  Ole Al Bundy just happened to be a disco singer before he was a cop.  Yes.  It’s as stupid as it sounds.  But there are some incredible comedy lines in this one.  I probably haven’t seen this movie in 20 years and I remember the lines by heart.  Is it on cable?  Can I find DVD or BluRay? I gotta check. My brothers and I mixed it in with, ask among others, VHS tapes of GI Joe, Ferris Bueller, the Goonies, Star Wars, Caddyshack, Stripes, the Shogun Mini-series and years of Simpsons episodes sans commercials.  And lots of Red Dawn. We’re going to switch it up a bit this week.  We’ll stick with the Push/Pull OTM,...
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