
In November we will be having a fundraiser for Barbells for Boobs. It is a partner kind of fun that has 5 mini-workouts. The competition will be on November 12th and is $99 per team. This might give you a chance to really work out the partnership kinks for Franniversary a few weeks later:) This will take place at CrossFit Oakdale. “Ogar” AMRAP 14 3 Power Snatches Touch and Go 135/95 1 Muscle Up 12 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
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Can you name this dude?  He was my favorite of the OG CrossFit athletes. Friday’s workout is a Tabata Protocol.  Treat every 20 second period like a sprint.  There is little “interference” throughout.  There is a pull, salve a squat, drugs a push and a jump.  Each 2 minute round is – 20 seconds of pull ups, hospital 10 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of air squats, 10 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of shoulder press 95/65 (take the weight from the floor), 10 seconds of rest, 20 seconds doubleunders (or attempts).  Take the 10 seconds to transition to take a quick breath and get ready for the next movement. So…our protocol is a little different than the one in the video. After each 2 minute round is complete, you get 1 minute of rest.  Take this time to catch your breath and write down your total number of reps....
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I have had a few suggestions for our brawny Elephant who will be gracing the t-shirts of the Franniversary this year. Please email/text your name ideas and then we will vote for a winner. The person who comes up with the winning name will get a free 5th anniversary t-shirt! Contest entries will be accepted through Sunday October 30th. We will vote the 1st week of November. Get those creative juices flowing! Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill OTM 10 5 Strict Pullups 5 Dips Conditioning 4 RFT 400m Run 20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 20 minute cap
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Though he doesn’t have a name yet, visit he sure has a lot to say. Check out our mascot, brought to life by Omar Salinas. He also did the artwork for our upcoming 5th anniversary t-shirt. There will be preorders on those soon. If you come up with a great name for this mascot (NOT FRAN) I will give you a 5th anniversary t-shirt. Registration is open for Franniversary ! Workout of the Day In 20 minutes, build to a max effort Heavy Clean. At the top of every minute, including the first minute, perform 3 Bar Facing Burpees
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Are Wet Wipes Wrecking the Worlds Sewers? from The Atlantic.  Actions have consequences.  Even wiping your nether regions so they feel nice and fresh has unforeseen results.  Like making a man made meteorite of poo, # buy wipes and whatever else globs together, floating around our sewers like a fecal Death Star.  What is one to do?  Go back to John Wayne TP?  The kind that’s rough, tough and doesn’t take $#!? off anybody?  Is there a better, more biodegradable wipe? Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill Handstand work OTM for 10 Conditioning “Forearm Fury” 5 RFT 15 Deadlift 185/135 15 Toes to Bar
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