
If Thursday’s workout looks familiar, site it is.  We did this one about a month ago.  As a reminder, health the CrossFit LiftOff is this weekend.  The goal is to do something that is challenging, but won’t leave you too sore or your central nervous system fried.  And if you become sore, or fry your central nervous system?  Big whoop.  Lift heavy on Friday anyway. It seemed like 10 reps per minute was a good number to hold and push.  If you can get 11, or 12, go for it.  You know what your body can handle.  Push it. Friday will be max efforts of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.  Saturday will be the LiftOff workout.  Last year was a weightlifting component with Chest to Bar Pullups and ALOT of doubleunders.  I feel like to keep this competitive, the workout has to include a strong bodyweight and gymnastics component...
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Don’t let it be said I don’t have a heart.  Wednesday’s workout was originally planned to be a Bar Facing Burpee-fest (there were 90 of them).  But after the Bar Facing Burpee-fest, generic on Monday, I adjusted Wednesday.  Instead, you get a mile of running.  You’re welcome! Workout of the Day 30 Power Snatch 800m Run 60 Thrusters 800m Run 30 Power Snatch Men – 75, Ladies – 55 If you want to Row, do 1K.  If you AD, do 50 calories.
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Looking for something to do with that leftover candy? Whether you tricked (;)), pharmacy treated or boo-ed your way through last night, approved chances are you have some leftover sweet stuff mocking you around the house. I am writing this at 3:56pm and my kids are pretty much already at each others throats and that is just the tip of the iceberg that is floating our way tonight. My words of advice to both them and YOU is that you don’t have to consume it all in a four hour period. In fact if kept properly it can last up to 2 years. Fun fact: candy corn is surprisingly less – 6 month-ish.  If you can’t moderate your candy consumption, buy more about you could donate it to Operation Shoebox. That link takes you to the address where you can send leftover candy. Founded in 2003, Operation Shoebox has been sending...
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We have finished the current Milo program – we will test it with the first part of our Halloween Monster Mash . The “Monster Mash” concept was created by Pat Sherwood at CrossFit Linchpin.  He posts one every Monday.  But Monday’s one is my creation.  Although I am stealing parts of this – like the 2008 CrossFit Games final workout. The CrossFit LiftOff is this weekend.  We will celebrate by testing our Snatch and Clean and Jerk on Friday.  Resident CrossFit is hosting a Friday Night Lights event – I am interested in heading over there and clanging and banging.  We will do the announced workout on Saturday at CFO.  Like a normal Saturday. On Saturday November 12th we will be having a Barbells for Boobs fundraiser through Warrior Only WODS. There are 5 WODS (1 & 2 and 3& 4 are together) and will be set up as a...
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Normal Saturday hours 9am and 10am Workout of the Day 4RFT 25 Handstand Pushups 25 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 25 Box Jumps 24/20 As always, click plenty of substitutes abound for the HSPU.  
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