
Workout of the Day AMRAP 20Run Parking Lot12/10 Calorie Row5 Toes to bar
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Still taking donations – there is a table in the annex for you to drop your stuff off. Wipes, basic toiletries, sleeping bags, blankets, towels, hand towels, diapers are in great need. Also – If you have some time on Saturday and would like to help out – that would be amazing! Let Alison know, along with your t-shirt size:) Workout of the Day Squat Clean for load:#1: 3 reps @ 40%#2: 3 reps @ 40%#3: 3 reps @ 50%#4: 3 reps @ 60%#5: 1 rep @ 70%#6: 5 reps @ 75%#7: 5 reps @ 75%#8: 5 reps @ 75%#9: 5 reps @ 75% Clean Pull for load:#1: 3 reps#2: 3 reps#3: 3 reps#4: 3 reps#5: 3 reps#6: 3 reps#7: 3 reps#8: 3 reps#9: 3 reps
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Workout of the Day “Jumping Randy” 75 Power Snatch 75/55300 Doubleunders
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Ok – I may have spoke too soon. You may want to use your working 1RM for this work. Take your 1RM Front Squat and multiply it by .90. Monday is basically a re-do of Friday’s session. That session left my legs, especially quads pretty, pretty spicy. So, if you are competing this weekend, here’s my recommendation: do the lifting on Monday and Wednesday. On Friday, follow the warm up protocol, then call it and practice some skills that get you ready for Saturday. I will post something. Thursday will be our standard row/row/light gymnastics pre competition workout. And make sure you are checking the accessory page. Theres some good stuff going on over there. Other items in need! Workout of the Day Front Squat for load:#1: 5 reps @ 40%#2: 5 reps @ 40%#3: 5 reps @ 50%#4: 3 reps @ 65%#5: 3 reps @ 75%#6: 3 reps @...
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Hey CrossFit Oakdale! You have probably noticed the smoke in the air, the ash on your car and the general non-covid related breathing sadness. We are far away from the fires, but have been asked to be a drop off donation site by a close friend of the CrossFit Modesto/CrossFit Oakdale Family. Thanks in advance! Here are the items needed: Workout of the Day 6 RFT12 HSPU6 Bar Muscleup12 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead 50/3512 Chest to Bar Pullups At 10 am: Pre WODRope Climbs PostGHD
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