BF Testing, Friday 3p-8p

The Body Fat Testing truck will be at CrossFit Oakdale on Friday from 3p to 8p.  There are spots available, stuff call Alison for times.
Here is the link for the CrossFit Combat Fitness Valentine’s Day Couples Competition.  I forgot to post it yesterday.
Speal on pullups.  How many times does Speal use the word EFFICIENT?  The last que at the end of the video when they discuss chest to bar pullups is “elbows back.”  We will discuss the more.
Workout of the Day
High Bar Back Squat
3×3, # dosage 75% of 1RM
For time
60 Chest to Bar Pullups
At the top of every minute, including the first minute, stop doing pullups and do 6 burpees.