Barbell for Boobs Burpee Challenge

We have small challenge with big consequences tomorrow!!!
We will do a workout – as many burpees as possible in 5 minutes.  CrossFit Oakdale will match the top burpee score with $1 per burpee and the top burpee athlete will choose which coach bucket the money goes towards.
So, if you do 105 Burpees, and want to slam Alison with 105 burpee dollars, now is your chance.

Workout of the Day
Alternating OTM for 10
20 seconds on, 40 seconds rest
One minute
Handstand Hold with 1, 2 or 3 HSPU
Other minute
Handstand Walking or HS Kickups
Conditioning 1a
Rest 3 minutes
Conditioning 1b
60 Toes to Bar for Time