So, seek while I’ve been away, site I’ve notice people have been lifting some big weights. I got to play at CrossFit King of Prussia over the weekend – they are a great group of folks and do things the right way. Big thanks to Aimee Lyons, Giula, Miranda and crew for making me feel at home as I grunted, yelled at barbells and flopped around. And yes, I hit a lifetime Snatch PR and totaled over 500 pounds for the first time ever. So, I guess thanks you CrossFit KoP, but thank you CrossFit, too.
We’ll be finishing the Whole Life Challenge this week, so why not start a new strength program? Like before, Louis and I have come up with something that meets the needs of the gym, getting us stronger, more durable and more efficient.
We will do a Snatch and Clean and Jerk OTM, much like the one we did yesterday. You will have 10 minutes to work to a weight, approximately 70% of 1RM, and do 2 reps OTM for 7. We will do this one Monday’s and Friday’s.
On Tuesdays we will do a Back Squat in which we will build to a heavy triple, then drop 20 pounds and do 2 sets of 5. Like most programs, I suggest you start conservatively, and build steadily over the 6 weeks.
On Thursdays, we will do a Deficit Clean Grip Deadlift for 3 sets of 6 and Front Squat, 4 sets of 3. This weights should be heavy, but you should be working quickly and going by feel – more on this later.
Yes – there will be strength training 4 days a week. Wednesday’s will become our big “conditioning” WOD day. Expect Girls, Hero’s, Open, Regional and Games WODs that can be scaled to your ability level.
Finally, I am toying will doing a quick heavy session every Saturday at 10am, as a “warm up” for the 10am or a “cool down” for 9am. Here’s what I want to do: we pull the lift out of a hat, and you get 15 minutes to build to a heavy single. You get no more than 15. Lifts that I am considering for the “hat” – the Olympic Lifts, Deadlift, Back Squat, Front Squat, Bench Press, Max Weighted Pullup. That’s about it.

Workout of the Day
Strength/Skill, Week 1 of 6
Back Squat
In 12 minutes, build to a
Heavy Set of 3
Then, drop 20 pounds, and do
2 Sets of 5
“Wallball Fran”
30 Wallball Shots 20/14
21 Pullups
20 Wallball Shots
15 Pullups
10 Wallball Shots
9 Pullups