Austere WODs

CrossFit Oakdale has ordered nearly all of our equipment.  You name it: bars, generic plates, here kettle bells, rings, medicine balls, a pull-up/muscle up/power rack and more.  The only problem right now: we don’t have a place to put it.  We go before the Oakdale Planning Committee on Thursday (11/17) and we hope to get final approval and be in our facility.  We are both excited and anxious.
In the meantime, we don’t have a place to train.  On Saturday, Alison and I are heading to the Fall Classic at Good Times CrossFit in Sacramento.  For the following week or two, while we wait and then build a gym, we still need to get stronger.  I am looking forward to being creative with WODs, and using my environment to keep it interesting.  I hope to work lots of outdoors into my WODs; using parks and hills.  I have a bar that I can load up to 215#, a few sets of dumbbells (35/45), rings, a kettle bell, a jump rope and other odds and ends.  I will post the workouts that Alison and I are doing.
Because of a competition tomorrow, in which you can expect at least 3, possibly 4 WODs, I kept it light today.
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 35# Dumbbells
5 Burpees to 1′ beyond reach
Good luck to all the athletes competing tomorrow at Good Times.  CrossFit Oakdale looks forward to making a name for ourselves!

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