Athlete Spotlight – Don Q.

You may have heard Coach Lou yelling at one of CrossFit Oakdale’s “seasoned”/Masters athletes, # approved something like “pick up the BLEEPIN bar!” or “Stand all the way up!”  or perhaps you might hear Coach Lou badger or go back and forth with this athlete like an old married couple. Not to worry. NO, price it’s NOT Lou’s wife… IS a family member. DON Q, Coach Lou’s uncle. These two are a dynamic duo and are so fun to be around. You can’t help but chuckle when these two are working out together and verbally bantering back and forth.
Don works hard and is a positive force at CFO. Don recently re-did 14.1 and 14.2 and improved on both workouts compared to his first attempts. Yeah, Don! Way to go! One of his fellow CFOers describes him as being a “Lively and no nonsense guy”.
Coach Lou introduced his Uncle Don to CrossFit. A family that lifts heavy stuff, sweats, and breathes hard together stays together!!
When did you realize CrossFit was for you? When I did my very first CrossFit workout.
How has CrossFit changed your life? I’m in much better shape and I’m a far better athlete for it.
What do like best about going to CrossFit Oakdale? I like that it is 100% CrossFit.
I have always wanted to….. go into outer space and climb Mt Everest.
One word people use to describe you…. Stubborn.
Outside of the gym I like to… video games, save the world and all that.
Three things you will ALWAYS find in my fridge….. Eggs, cheese, and ketchup.
Favorite physical activity outside of CrossFit Oakdale…… I have no favorite physical activity outside of CrossFit. That’s why I do CrossFit.
Are you competitive by nature? Are you competitive with anyone at CFO? I am competitive when I have to be. I am competitive with people better than me. I pick and choose the people I want to compete with.
The last thing you ate….. rice cakes
Proudest accomplishment….. My two kids
*Thank you to Emmaline Quellich  ( Don’s daughter ) for the assist in getting this  information about her dad.
Workout of the Day
Dead Hang Pullups
5 OTM for 7
30 Doubleunders
20 Pullups
10 Burpees
Rest 3
30 Doubleunders
20 Pullups
10 Burpees
Start round 2 where you finished round 1.
***Option #2
If you have muscle ups, use the same time domain (2 5 minute AMRAPS) but do this triplet:
30 Doubleunders
10 Burpees
5 Muscleups