Holy cow we have a lot of stuff to share. Here goes!
This is an abbreviated week, case so the strength training is a bit truncated. I was going to begin a back squat progression this week, buy information pills but we will start that next week. This week the only ongoing strength progression is the Deadlift, which we will do Thursday.
Tuesday night at 7:30pm we will host a Lurong Paleo Living Information session. Please come in if you have any questions.
There will be no express classes this week.
Have you ever wondered – “Hey, Self, how many wall balls can I do in a row?” On Tuesday, we will begin to find out. Following that test, we will begin a 30 day build to a max effort WB set. The progression will build to 30 straight WB, but you can tailor the progression to your needs. I will post the required number of reps each day on the web site. On Monday, September 30 we will test your max effort wall ball, and the top scores will receive cash prizes.
There is a $10 buy in for this challenge. Guys MUST shoot above the blue line and ladies MUST shoot to the 9ft target. There are three weight categories – 20#, 14# and 12#. There will be a sign up sheet on the display case.
Saturday will be the Olympic Total – 3 attempts each of the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. We will set up a Facebook invite. If you plan on attending, please think about your opening lifts for each lift.
The benchmark WOD for this week is “Grace.” “Diane” is coming in 2 weeks (the week after next), after we finish the deadlift progression and continue working the handstand.
I did 32 GHD sit-ups today. This is starting to get interesting. I am surprised that it is SMOKING my legs.
The full details on the Fran-iversary are coming. Stay tuned…

Workout of the Day
Max Effort
Wallball Shots 20/14
Do as many consecutive wall ball shots as possible without stopping. ANY PAUSE will constitute a stoppage. MINIMAL fumbling with the ball will be accepted, but only to a point. Missed reps will not end the set, but will not count.
3/2 Wall Climbs
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jump and Overs 24/20