And you have done it. You have all gone and opened your hearts and wallets ABOVE and BEYOND what I had thought imaginable. Thank you.
On Monday, we will be handing over $4150 in donations to the CHS-Oakdale Family Resource and Counseling Center. Congratulations on this effort!
The World’s Okayest Rowers came in as the Best Fundraisers in the Competition. This team brought in $1365 in pledges. They were followed closely by the Yanks who brought in $1050 in pledges. Badass Masters came in third with $640 in pledges.
Our greatest individual fundraiser was Sarah S.! She completed 2 pledge sheets and raised $635. There was even an old school pledge of 1/10 of a cent per meter rowed! Sarah will be in charge of keeping the team trophy safe:)
Thank you to everyone who participated, donated and attended. I am ready to start thinking about the next event – hopefully in the near future!

Workout of the Day
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
5 Bar Muscle Ups