A fight, gone pretty bad

Attached is a video explanation of CrossFit and at the end, is Glassman explaining CrossFit to it’s core.  This is a OG as it gets.  The workout took place in the parking lot of the original CrossFit gym in Santa Cruz.
Speaking of fights, Conor MacGregor and Floyd Mayweather agreed to fight.  My question, what sport are they playing.  Why would MacGregor box?  Why would Mayweather roll on the ground?
 I digress.  CrossFit has posted a couple of simplified versions of Fight Gone Bad over the last couple of weeks.  Fight Gone Bad, aptly named by BJ Penn, is and will always be, an excellent CrossFit workout.
As far a strategy on this – don’t.  Go hard from the beginning, use the minute to catch your breath, and try to hang on.
Workout the Day
5 Rounds, for Reps
1 minute of Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55
1 minute of Push Press 75/55
1 minute of Rowing for Calories