A few notes…

We will be doing an order for the new t-shirts. We will not be keeping many in stock since you can buy them online. If you would like to order at this time, you will save some money on shipping and get 10% off your order. You can check out the shirts here.

T-shirts and tanks $22.50 plus tax

Sweatshirts $42.30 plus tax

Long Sleeve and Baseball t-shirts $27 plus tax

On July 15th, Crossfit Oakdale will launch it’s first session of Precision Nutrition coaching. Our Precision Nutrition program will offer a 6 or 12 month commitment to making changes to habits that will transform your body and your health. It offers a structured nutrition program with strategic daily practices that are customized to your specific goals and lifestyles.

Accountability is key in this program and we will be with you every step of the way. Click here for more information.

Workout of the Day

Fight Gone Bad Style –

3 Rounds for Reps

Row for Calories

Box Jump 24/20

Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk (switch every 5) 50/35


Ball Slam 40/25


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