The final week of the Lurong Challenge

We are in the final week of the Lurong Challenge.  We will re-test the burpee/KB WOD on Monday and the Hang Clean/Sprint WOD on Wednesday.
Alison will be taping this week as long as classes are not ongoing.  We will be available for last minute taping on Sunday at CFO.
On Sunday, decease Coach Schmitz will be at CFO for the Olympic lifting seminar.  Come in ready to lift if you are signed up!
Next week, # we will hold a Lurong Challenge review.  I would like to have an information sharing where we can discuss experiences, successes, weak moments and more.  It’s been a decent challenge, but we want to talk about what went well and what could be improved.  I’m hoping to do this in the middle of next week (Tues or Wed, 7:30p).
Lifts for this week are:
Squats Mon, Clean Wed, Snatch Fri.  We’ll do a conditioning WOD on Tuesday and follow it up with a small sled push session.

Thomas and Carlos doing work on Saturday
Thomas and Carlos doing work on Saturday

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Take 15 minutes to build to heavy single, adding weight from last week if you are perfect.  We’ll test 1RM next week.
Lurong Re-test
100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
100 Burpees
Break them up however you like!