If you’ve been working out at 6am with Team 6, information pills you may have noticed we’ve gotten a little bigger. That’s because Russ Van Cleave and Jen have gotten some of Oakdale’s top swimmers into CrossFit Oakdale to get stronger and more balanced. These kids are Athletes, and they have a ton of room to grow. But, behind every great athlete is a great coach: Russ was announced Swimming Coach of the Year by the Modesto Bee.
I’ve spent the last 2 weeks working pretty hard. I’ve been traveling a lot, and I capped it off with a cross country flight today. I haven’t had a ton of time for anything, but I still carried my Trigger Point Foam Roller everywhere with me. Even 2 minutes on my back and 2 minutes on my hips make an impact.
If you only had one recovery tool, what would it be?
Workout of the Day
3 Position Clean
Build to a heavy set in 20 minutes. Keep it lighter than you may think.
15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
15 Burpees
I’m going to try to hit this at CrossFit401 in Rhode Island tomorrow. We’ll see…
Lacrosse ball.