On the Deficit

A quick thought on the Clean Grip Deficit Deadlift – this is more of a positioning drill than a power lifting drill.  By all means, go heavy.  But, through each lift, ask yourself – am I in a position to Clean this bar?
If your hips are high, the answer is probably no.  If a coach can’t read what is on you t-shirt, the answer is probably n0. If you are setting up well, with your hips low and your chest up, you are probably in a position to Clean the bar – even if it’s pretty darn heavy.
That doesn’t mean you should be afraid of moving big weight.  If it feels good, you are keeping the bar close and moving the bar fast, load it up.
We are going to work on this over the next 6 weeks, so you will get plenty of chances to work on it…

Workout of the Day
Gymnastic Skill, Week 3 of 8
Handstand Position work
25 seconds on, 35 seconds off
50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
50 Wallball Shots 20/14
50 Power Cleans 135/95

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