Buy In!

Friday marks day 5 of the #cfo100.  100 Burpees for 100 Days.  We have 26 people signed up in one of 3 categories – 100 per day, 50 per day, or each day, go up by 1. 
We are close to 10,000 burpees among us  – How AWESOME are we?!?!
If you want to buy in, here is your chance – for $10, buy in on Friday.  If you messed up and missed a day, you can buy back in for $2.  Just make sure you make up all the burpees you missed.
Friday will be a perfect workout to buy back in – there are quite a few burpees in the workout.

Workout of the Day
Pause Back Squat
Pause for a 3 count at the bottom of each squat.  These are pretty long pauses, so these should be sub maximal loads – 80% of 1RM and less.  But if you feel good, go for it.
10 RFT
35 Doubleunders
9 Burpees
20 minute cap.  Sub singles 2 for 1.