This will be an abbreviated week – Tuesday is the 4th of July. We will have one workout – Hero style at 9am.
We will Clean and Jerk on Wednesday and Squat on Friday.
For Snatch work, we highly recommend you receive in the Overhead Squat position. If this is a battle, I suggest you Split your feet. What we don’t want to see is a big ole’ weighted jumping jack.
The conditioning piece is relatively short and relatively high skill. Make whatever sub is needed on the Bar work. For the DB overhead squat, you can actually twist and turn to get into a comfortable position to squat with a weight the size of a toddler or a medium sized dog over your head.
Workout of the Day
Hang Snatch
5 1 Arm DB Overhead Squat 50/35
5 1 Arm DB Overhead Squat 50/35
5 Bar Muscle Ups
Sub C2B, Pullups or Jumping Chest to Bar
10 minute Cap