NO HIPS Please.

For Thursday’s conditioning workout, help on the Shoulder Press, visit web the bar comes from the ground.  There should be NO HIP DRIVE.  We never do this at CFO – it’s always a shoulder to overhead, or push press, or split jerk – or some variant of going overhead with hip drive.  You may use your hips to return the bar to your shoulders, but you may not use that hip bump to return the bar overhead.

Rest is good! AND Fun!
Rest is good! AND Fun!

Workout of the Day

Gymnatstics Strength/Skill

OTM 10

5 Strict Pullups

5 Dips


Back Squat

In 15 minutes, build to a heavy set of 5


Alternating Tabata

8 Rounds of:

20 seconds Shoulder Press 95/65

10 seconds Rest/Transition

20 seconds Doubleunder

10 seconds Rest/Transition

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