We had a couple of nice clinics last week. We saw a few sweet muscle ups, case and we may have some more on the way (c’mon Denny!). Jonathan did a great job at the running clinic on Saturday.
On Friday night we had a great time with a small crew playing ultimate football. I hope to have more of these, online they may be unannounced from time to time. Ask anyone, information pills it was a GREAT sprinting workout.
There will be no 6:30p class on Wednesday night. Enjoy your Halloween, we’ll be trick or treating!
Because there is not a full schedule on Wednesday, we’l be High Bar Back Squatting on Monday. We’ll be building to a heavy triple with PERFECT form (vertical chest). We’ll be Snatching on Tuesday and Friday.
CrossFit Oakdale will be closed Saturday, November 3. Many of us will be competing in the Merced Holiday Throwdown. If you are competing, please read my previous post on the competition week. We will have a run Tuesday, with a similar distance as the throw down, but don’t go crazy trying to prep for the event. You are prepared. I would focus on rest, and ensuring my movements (which have been announced) are tight. Practice the movements, but don’t max out (like the Clean and Jerk).
Tony at the Running Clinic with Jonathan on Saturday
Workout of the Day
High Bar Back Squat
Build to a Heavy 3.
Vertical Chest!
Handstand Walk 10m
15 Air squats
9 Toes to Bar