Thanksgiving Week Schedule
Normal Hours Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday there will be 2 classes – 9am and 5:30pm. We will have a badass barbell WOD to get your appetite up for Turkey Day.
We will be closed on Thanksgiving
We will have classes at 9 and 10 on both Friday and Saturday.
There will be no Open Gym on Sunday.
Workout of the Day
11 Snatch 75/45
7 Burpee Box Jumps 20 inch for all
This is a very similar WOD to one we did 2 weeks ago, cost except that had light Cleans and Burpees were in sets of 11. I’ve reduced the burpees a bit, because they became a slog last time. Let’s see if the shorter sets leads to faster transitions and a more intense workout.
In the remaining time in class, build to a heavy single of the Snatch for the day.