
We are halfway through the summer but have many events to come. Hopefully you are on Facebook and are ahead of the game – rsvp’ing to invites. If you are on Facebook but feel a little left out make sure you are friends with Alison. If you are not, she can’t invite you. (This is absolutely not a ploy to increase the amount of FB friends she has.)
Pushup Challenge – Started on the 23rd of June, will be ending on the 23rd of July with a total of 120 pushups. We will be testing/video taping until the Wednesday after and then will have some results for you!
Muscle Up Clinic Thursday July 17th 6:30pm. A Muscle Up Clinic for all CFO members – if you don’t have one, learn the skills and transitions need to get above the rings. If you have one, learn how to string them together.
Body Fat Testing – August 2, 2014 8am-12pm. 10 minutes to get the gold standard of body fat testing in the dunk tank. $49 for newbies and $39 for repeat swimmers. When signing up you must pick a time slot and prepay. Call or text Alison with any questions – 209-345-4380
Ladies night out Cheesemaking – Come join us in a fun ladies night out where we will be learning how to make cheese with the Amazing Gypsy Cowgirl herself! 6 pm is the time, and I will bring the wine. We will be making mozzarella, spreadable ricotta and learning how to make yogurt. $40 a person or $30 if we have 10 or more ladies. 
Customized Hormone Replacement Therapy Seminar – Over 35 and feeling a bit funky? Come join us to learn more about how women’s hormones work at different stage of life. This seminar is hosted by Pacific Compounding Pharmacy with Clinical Pharmacist Marie Cottman, Pharm.D. This session is free and very informative.It will be on a Wednesday night, August 27th at 8pm. Seating is limited,but I am looking to get an idea of how many would be interested. Please feel free to spread to word and bring a friend. Let me know if you are bringing someone.
Fundraiser for Family of Fallen SPD Officer Scott Hewell – SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Big thanks to all coaches who are pitching in to keep CFO clean while we are on vacation….or a reverse paleo challenge (term coined by Megan Adams - East Coast CrossFitter)
Big thanks to all coaches who are pitching in to keep CFO clean while we are on vacation….or a reverse paleo challenge (term coined by Megan Adams – East Coast CrossFitter)

Workout of the Day 
Back Squat
Establish a 20 rep max
Ok – this is tough.  Use small sets to warm up – 3s and 5s.  Pick a weight you think you can do and try it 20 times.  I would recommend being very conservative, maybe 55-65% of 1RM.  Take it slow, rest at the top of each rep, take a break and go again.
If you don’t make it to 20 – that’s ok.  Mark how far you got and at what weight.  We will try this again, and we will be working with 20 rep sets regularly.  This is a mental test as much as a physical one – be tough!
A quick hit – for me, the 20 rep set doesn’t really get tough until rep 7 or 8, then everything to 15 and on – you’re basically taking to Buddha.
Minute 1: 1 Toe To Bar – 1 Front Squat 95/65 – 10 Side to Side Hurdle Jumps
Minute 2: 2 Toes to Bar – 2 Front Squats – 10 Side to Side Hurdle Jumps
Minute 3: 3 Toes to Bar – 3 Front Squats – 10 Side to Side Hurdle Jumps
And so on and so on…until you cannot finish the work required in the minute.
Barbell – men – 95, ladies – 65
If you complete less than 5 rounds, rest 1 minute and start over.
We will use the yellow track hurdles for the side to side jumps.  Jump over laterally – that’s 1.  Jump back quickly – that’s 2.