Meet June! June has been with us since November and comes to us by way of Lifeworx Crossfit. Coach Chance describes her as, clinic “A hard worker, as one with great work ethic. She always arrives to the gym early to work on something, row, or mobilize.” June is one of our Masters athletes who qualified for the 2014 CrossFit Games Masters Regional WODs. Please check out the Q & A below to learn a little more about June.
How were you introduced to CFO? When did you realize CrossFit was for you?
3 years ago I was looking for something more in my workouts, that’s when I found Crossfit. I was also looking for a way to improve my golf game. Crossfit has given me more control in my swing and greater distance.?
What is your first impression?
I don’t like first impressions.
What do you like best about going to CrossFit Oakdale?
People !! Everyone is friendly. Awesome instruction and support.
I have always wanted to …..
Be a scratch golfer
One word people use to describe me:
Creative, efficient, driven
Outside of the gym I like to…..
Go to the theater, plays, and art shows
Three things in my fridge:
Eggs, spinach, & beer
The last thing you ate:
Pork, avocado, & cherries
Something know one knows about me or would be surprised to know:
Not Telling.
Favorite physical activity outside of CrossFit Oakdale:
Favorite place to eat:
Brick Oven Pizza on Kauai, Hawaii
Proudest accomplishment:
Completing 3 out of the 4 workouts in the 2014 Masters Regionals. (CFO is proud of you too, June!)
If you could invite anybody to dinner:
The Oakdale Crossfit Family. (Let’s make it happen!)
Favorite workout attire:
Shorts & T-shirt

Workout of the Day
For time
Run TL Davis
15 Clean and Jerks 135/95
100 Air Squats