How good is your grip? On Thursday, # dosage we will find out.
I have a buddy, Chad, that is coming to train with me on Thursday night. Chad has been to the Games on a team 3 times, and qualified for the Games this year in the 40-44 Division. He was 6th in NorCal in the Open. Training with Chad is always an eye opener, mainly because he works so freaking hard and is so freaking nice. In 2011, when we were training together for the Games, I asked him what was the best thing to focus on in the month before Regionals. He quickly said “Grip Stamina.” I asked, “Can you really improve that in such a short time?” He replied “ABSOLUTELY!” Chad opined that grip stamina is one of the few things that can be improved relatively quickly. His recommendation was to pick up heavy stuff and carry it around. Farmer’s carries and plate pinches work great to do this. That year I focused nearly everyday on improving my grip.
Even though I KNOW this, I sometimes forget it, choosing to focus on sexy things, forgetting about the basics. Having a killer grip goes a long way. Let’s test that grip out.
Workout of the Day
Kettlebell Snatch
4 R Hand, 4 L Hand OTM for 10
“Forearm Fury”
1 Hang Power Clean 145/100
1 Toe to Bar
2 T2B
3/3, 4/4, 5/5…how high can you go?