Open WOD 13.3

CrossFit Oakdale will be performing Open WOD 13.3 on Friday (and Saturday at 10am).  13.3 (or 12.4 as it was known last year) is a daunting WOD.  Lots of reps, purchase and it gets harder as you go…kind of like CrossFit.  I posted on this WOD two days ago as a very good example of what you can expect in the Open.
In truth, treat it’s not that bad.  We do Wallball shots all the time.  Complete 150 for time, this web and you have done the benchmark CrossFit WOD, “Karen.”  For 13.3, completing the 150 Wallball Shots is an excellent goal.  Be smart, use manageable sets with short breaks and most of all – be efficient!
If have said it many times, to truly own a movement, you must be able to do it exhausted.  Doubleunders, an intermediate CrossFit skill, are tested AFTER completing 150 wall balls.  Your legs will be loaded out and you will be breathing hard.  But, if you have solid doubleunders, 90 is no big deal.  If you don’t, you may be fighting the rope, but hey – you made it this far!  My cue for doubleunders is “Composure.”  Stay relaxed, keep your movement tight with your shoulders pressed down and go.  I would go for biggest sets possible.
Finally, muscle ups are tested last.  If you make it here, you will be fatigued.  Try as I might, being fresh here is tough because the work you just did accumulates quickly.  Muscleups are an advanced CrossFit movement and an excellent goal for any athlete to attain.  Be able to do 30 under serious fatigue is a huge separator and a great indicator of overall fitness.
If you are able to do multiple muscle ups, I would be very careful with big sets.  I can do more than 10 fresh, but under fatigue 5-7 to open will be my goal.  Things may drop off quickly from here.  My 1 piece of advice – If you use chalk, place it high on a j-cup so you don’t have to bend over to pick it up.
If I’m honest, I love this WOD as a test.  It’s hard, damn hard.  It tests the things I’m interested in fitness – all types of physical skill, endurance, mental fortitude and more.  I hated 13.2, I didn’t feel like it was a true indicator of overall fitness.  I feel like this bad boy is.  I wouldn’t do this more than once a year, but I do believe you can break 12.4/13.3 down and use it as a way to build and test your training.
Workout of the Day
Open WOD 13.3
150 Wallball Shots (20 to 10ft/14 to 9 ft)
90 Doubleunders
30 Muscleups