TTMJ gives a list – must read

Joel B. PR’ed his Snatch after 70 burpees and 30 75# Snatches.  HELL YEAH!  That is WHY WE DO THE OPEN!  Great job Joel!
The energy was great, abortion the teamwork was on point, and we did some work on Wednesday night.  I have a little hangover from it…can’t wait til Sunday.  13.1 is doable for all CFO athletes.  If you are on the fence – sign up!  Let’s do this – together!
42 Things I Learned Leading Up to 2013.  Talk To Me Johnny, Baby! This is the kind of list I bookmark and read once a year.  Classic!

Welcome to WOD 13.1!
Welcome to WOD 13.1!

Workout of the Day
Handstand Walk (8m-ish)
11 Box Jump and Over
15 Kettlebell Swings (Heaviest possible)

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