Rockin' Our Personal Lockdown

We’re blessed with some pretty cool members at CFO.  It was a stressful night in Oakdale on Tuesday with the law enforcement activity, seek but everyone dealt with the lock in and the late cancellation like pro’s.  Everyone looked after each other and had each other’s backs.  We’re lucky to have several law enforcement officers (and firefighters) among our ranks.  We had one athlete getting ready to workout when he dropped what he was doing and responded to the emergency in town.  I’m sure he didn’t even think about it – it’s what these guys do.  Make sure you thank a cop if see them.  It’s an honor to train you ladies and gentlemen.  Thanks for keeping us safe!
On a different note, unhealthy we have a couple of competitions coming up – the FTF Affiliate Challenge and the Valentine’s Couple Competition.  One of the great by products of competition is the pressure is puts you under.  Pressure may sound bad to some of you, no rx but pressure creates diamonds.
There is nothing like seeing a WOD posted and knowing you have 2 weeks to dial in your movement.  Then goal, and the pressure you put on yourself to achieve, becomes real.

Robin gets ready for competition this weekend.
Robin gets ready for competition this weekend.

Workout of the Day
Pullups practice
Spend 15 minutes working on any type of pullups – kipping, dead hang, chest to bar, weighted, L-pullups or more. 
Met con
Up Ladder 15
1 Chest to Bar Pullup
1 Hand Release Pushup
1 Box Jump 24/20
2 Chest to Bar Pullup
2 Hand Release Pushup
2 Box Jump 24/20…
Keep going up by 1 rep for 15 minutes