The Last Reps

***** Saturday’s WOD is at 8:45am instead of 9am. ******
The Last 2 or 3 Repetitions from CrossFit Invictus.  I love this post.  As a note, # approved we don’t do a lot of higher rep work in the strength training (we will as the Open approaches), # approved but John’s point can be applied to every aspect of our training – pushing hard at the end – when it hurts.  Plus, mind the post had an Arnold clip from Pumping Iron.

Team WORK was the name of the game on Thursday night’s WOD. Partners had to tag their teammate at the end of each round.
Workout of the Day
15 Minutes to Warm Up, then
Every 30 seconds for 4:30 (10 reps)
Snatch 70% of 1RM
Kettlebell Swing
Parking Lot Sprint
Swing the heaviest KB that will allow you to achieve a PERFECTLY HORIZONTAL overhead position.