How Do I Lift When Injured? from Mark Bell. Bell is a power lifter. Notice he doesn’t recommend to stop training. He recommends gear (meh), adiposity nutrition (aha!) and mobility work/preventative maintenance (duh!). If there’s one thing I’ve learned in years of training, see when you go hard, and at a high level, injuries happen.
Would you think you could get hurt playing golf? Tiger Woods shredded his knee by just swinging a golf club. I’m no Woods fan, but he worked so hard at his game, he developed severe overuse injuries. At the very least, I respect the drive. We can say injuries are rare in CrossFit, which they are relative to other sports. But if you keep pushing, you will develop injuries or potential injuries. Every time I go to a Chiro or Bowen spe#t, they notice my hamstrings are very tight. I have been lucky (knock on wood) that I have not had hamstring issues, but I need to recognize this is a danger zone, and prepare my body accordingly.
Whether injuries are acute (think muscle pull) or chronic (think tendonitis), you will need to look at the root causes. Was your movement lacking? Nutrition? Mobility work? Hydration? Freak accident? Is your posture (sitting, standing or sleeping) setting you up for failure? Unfortunately, as I have learned, there is rarely a clear answer. Ask 3 doctors or spe#ts, and you’ll get 3 different answers.
Workout of the Day
5 Toes to Bar
10 Hand Release Pushups
15 Box Jumps
At minute 0, 5, 10 and 15 stop what you are doing and run 400m. Pick up where you left off.