Tuesday’s WOD is a tough one. In total, ed there are 150 Wallball Shots and 75 Toes to Bar. This metabolic gut punch is right off of CrossFit.com. If you are new to Crossfit, try or you would like to walk normally this week, sildenafil think seriously about scaling the number of reps. We don’t want this one to take much more than 20 minutes. Coaches will discuss scaling/movements subs in class.
In the last 2 weeks, I have made quick trips to Orange Blossom Recreation Area to cool my legs after a tough WOD. Chance did this after a 150 WB WOD in February! This works to relieve soreness and speed recovery, for the same reason you ice an injury . Sitting in your bathtub with filled with ice water works better, but the river is free. I’m not sure what the people at the rafting companies think of the muscle-y people just sitting in 50 degree water. But Tuesday night after this bad boy, it might be high time to sit in the river again…
I didn’t post it on Monday, but the strength this week was clean and jerk Monday, Snatch (with Snatch Balance on Wed) and Back Squat for 3 rep max on Friday. We will re-test for Back Squat 3RM next Wednesday as well. We will use percentages of 3RM squatting to build a more defined squatting template. This way, you have at least 2 chances to test for your 3RM. If you hit it 2x in 5 days…Outlaw Style!
Friends carry each other…through the good and the bad…and the cash out.
Workout of the Day
50 Wallball Shots 20/14
25 Toes to Bar
40 Wallball Shots
20 Toes to Bar
30 Wallball Shots
15 Toes to Bar
20 Wallball Shots
10 Toes to Bar
10 Wallball Shots
5 Toes to Bar