9 am partner WOD

Remember folks, buy Saturday at 9am will be partner/team WODs.  We hope you bring out your friends to check out CrossFit.  We’ll keep the movements relatively simple so your friends don’t have to be worried about doing hand clapping handstand pushups, cliff hanging muscleups or any such madness.  The exercises we’ll be doing are listed below.
Alison and I will be heading down to CrossFit Ventura next Saturday to attend the CrossFit Goal Setting seminar with one of my CrossFit heroes, Greg Amundson.  In 2006 and 2007, when I started CrossFit, “Greg A” was the guy everyone chased.  His videos in the CrossFit archives are inspiring and informative.  If you are interested in how CrossFit grew, watching Greg’s CrossFit videos like “Elizabeth”, “Power Elizabeth”, “Heavy Fran” or “GI Jane”  are CrossFit 101.  These videos taught me what intensity and work capacity look like.
CrossFit Oakdale won’t be open next weekend as we travel to SoCal, so get your work in before the holiday’s!
Adele B. broke through on pull-ups Friday night!
Workout of the Day
Partner WOD
Med Ball to Shoulder
Grasshopper (That’s right, I said Grasshoppers)
10am Advanced
I am seriously struggling to decide between a short thruster/muscle up (short and heavy) WOD or Open Sectional WOD 5 (fast and long).  It will depend on who shows up.  If you have ideas, and I have the equipment, let’s get creative.

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