Up, Up and Upside Down!

Royal Rumble Registration: HERE

With the temperature in the 100’s, we have decided to program a skill based work/rest day. People loved rope climbing, so we want to start working that in as a skill – just like we have done with the handstands. If your hands lost some grip with the Toes to Bar workout on Tuesday, body pull on the adjustable bar or rings, jump up and hold on the rope for a 1-5 second hold or a seated foot lock on the box and stand. The foot lock and stand is a great way to master the scoop and stomp climbing method.

Please wear appropriate clothing!

Workout of the Day
EMOM 20 – alternating minutes
1 rope climb, body pull on the adjustable bar or rings, jump up and hold on the rope for a 1-5 second hold or a seated foot lock on the box and stand
30 sec of handstand work – walking, holds, shoulder taps, kicks ups, wall walks, etc.