If Thursday’s workout looks familiar, site it is. We did this one about a month ago. As a reminder, health the CrossFit LiftOff is this weekend. The goal is to do something that is challenging, but won’t leave you too sore or your central nervous system fried. And if you become sore, or fry your central nervous system? Big whoop. Lift heavy on Friday anyway.
It seemed like 10 reps per minute was a good number to hold and push. If you can get 11, or 12, go for it. You know what your body can handle. Push it.
Friday will be max efforts of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Saturday will be the LiftOff workout. Last year was a weightlifting component with Chest to Bar Pullups and ALOT of doubleunders. I feel like to keep this competitive, the workout has to include a strong bodyweight and gymnastics component to punish the weightlifting spe#ts. If it’s not exactly the same workout as last year, I’m guessing a high rep toe to bar, lighter shoulder to overhead and box jump triplet in the 15-20 minute range. In other words, CrossFit.
Workout of the Day
Gymnastics Strength/Skill
OTM 10
5 Strict Pullups
5 Dips
OTM 20
Even Minutes
Power Clean 165/110
Odd Minutes
Score is total number of Cleans completed