If you’ve been checking out the Games videos I’ve been posting, link you may have noticed how the sport has grown. Or exploded. It’s funny to see the tiny crowd if you can even call it that in the Clean/Ring HSPU WOD compared to the packed house in the Stadium Chipper in 2012. Denny and I were present when Camille and Rich won the Games in 2014, and the tennis stadium was absolutely packed, with grandstands added and the aisles were literally packed to watch people Clean and Jerk.
Today, we should be doing a Games WOD from 2011, but it’s tough. Looking back, that was a transitional year. The programming got more creative and both CrossFit and Rogue realized they could build interesting and dynamic structures to make the workouts more entertaining and challeging. The Killer Kage, Dog Sled pushes and pulls, basically Murph on the beach with an ocean swim along with skill events like heavy water jug carries and softball throws made for truly diverse tests of fitness. They are just tough to replicate in your gym. Sorry, but I don’t have the cashola to buy the Killer Kage. Or the exercise bikes they used.
So, instead we’ll do the 2012 Chipper. This is the only WOD that I have not tried yet. You’ll notice the games athletes used 155 for the OHS and 135 for the thruster. Again, I don’t have that many bars, so I spilt the difference at 145/100. You may notice that we are doing Cleans at 205/135 on consecutive days. Sorry about that…not really. Pull hard.
Workout of the Day
“2012 Chipper”
10 Overhead Squats 145/100
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
10 Thrusters 145/100
10 Cleans 205/135
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpee Muscleups*
10 Toes to Bar
10 Cleans 205/135
10 Thrusters 145/100
10 Box Jump and Overs 24/20
10 Overhead squats 145/100
20 minute cap
*Sub Burpee Pullups for Burpee Muscleups