
One of my favorite parts of the open is seeing who can post a score that helps CFO team scoring.  In case you are wondering how this is done, medicine CrossFit takes the top 3 mens scores and top 3 women’s scores and they make up your team score.  So, tadalafil if you have a large team, cure like we do, you can have athletes vying for the ability to put out for the cause.

This week, longtime men of CFO Chance and I submitted the top mens scores and Sarah and Christine submitted the top women’s scores.

But who rounded out the top 3?

Jack O scored 219 reps in the brutal 16.1  Jack has consistently been at the top of the leader board on CFO WODs.  In his first Open, he knocked out 16.1 within an hour of the announcement, so there was no time for strategy or best practices.  It was just breathe, lunge and grind.

Kyra completed 136 reps in 16.1.  This is Kyra’s second Open, but she didn’t have pull-ups last year.  With a year of consistent training, Kyra got pull-ups this year, and got her chest to the bar more than 40 times on 16.1.  Kyra has an incredible motor and it’s exciting to see her develop the high level skills of a complete CrossFit athlete.


Workout of the Day

OTM for 10

10 Kettlebell Swings

OTM for 10

10 Burpees

OTM for 10

Power Cleans 135/95 for 30 seconds

Score is Lowest round of KBS, lowest round of Burpees and total number of Power Clean

Continue to use the 30 second mark as your work/rest timer, especially on the burpees.  So – score may look like 10/9/42.