14.5 Recap

***This is just a post about 14.5…we are working on a recap of the whole 2014 Open Experience. ***
14.5 was a high rep thruster/bar facing burpee couplet.  If 14.4 was a pulling WOD, cheap 14.5 was like a pushing-palooza.  14.5 was also different because it was FOR TIME, unlike any Open WOD before it.  The clock could not save you or mercifully end your suffering.
This “for time” element made me a little nervous.  For our newer athletes, remedy one of the cool things about the Open is you never had to finish last.  Everyone starts and finishes together.  Not true of “for time” WODs.  We had athletes work well into the 30 minute range and beyond on 14.5.
This could have played havoc with our classes, but everyone made it work.
Some of my favorite moments came cheering on athletes as they finished.  Patty had the last reps at the gym on Sunday and got her own personal cheering section as she battled and banged out the last of her 84 thrusters and 84 burpees.  I’m super proud of Patty – it was her first Open and she met the challenge well.  She prepared for each WOD, went in with a plan and met it with fire in her eyes.
Did 14.5 bring some people to tears, or nearly there?  Yes.  I gotta be honest, I teared up watching Denny working on 14.5.  Denny had Bob judging and Bob damn near willed him to a 12 minute 14.5.  You could see Denny’s pain face set in on the round of 12, and on every burpee Bob yelled DOWN! keeping Denny moving.  Friends working hard, supporting each other – it’s why we do this.

You will absolutely keep moving if this is the look your judge has.
You will absolutely keep moving if this is the look your judge has.

Workout of the Day
OTM for 5
5 Pullups or 2-3 Muscle ups
Pullups can be deadhang, deadhang chest to bar, chest to bar, kipping, or even body pulls.  If you are working on Muscleups, you can do the whole movement or work transitions.  If the reps are too high, lower them so you are working for 30 seconds and resting for 30 seconds. 
15 minute cap