Tomorrow morning’s All Access Class will turn into a supple leopard session. From 8:30am-8:50am we will be working on our hips, glutes, lower back and hamstrings. If you did the deadlift on Wednesday, this will be the best 20 minutes of your day. Come on in and let’s get flexy! Franniversary Update Get Signed Up!...Read More
We will be posting pictures and having ballots to be cast for your favorite costumed athlete. Check out some pictures on our Facebook pages you can start to think about who you will vote for. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Pause Deadlift 10-10-7-7-3-3 Conditioning 100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 100 Burpees Break them up anyway you...Read More
Did ya get your costume yet? Class will only be at 5:30pm- come and best dressed gets you 3 classes of music control! Workout of the Day For Time 50-35-20 Wall Ball Shot Pull-ups Double UndersRead More
This week 8 of our current strength cycle. We will re-test our lifts next week. Monday will be bench press, Tuesday will be a conditioning workout, Wednesday is Deadlift and Friday is Front Squat. I need a #cfo100 roll call. Monday is day 83. Who is still in? Tuesday night at 5:30pm we will have...Read More
We are filling out the Holiday Season Calendar so make sure you check out our events on Facebook. Soon to be added is Holiday Bunco! on December 15th at 7pm. There will be a White Elephant part of the evening, up to $25 for the gift. It is $11 to play and please bring something...Read More
Tuesday Night is Halloween:) There will be a 5:30pm Class ONLY for adults. Come in costume! Clean Grip Deficit DeadLift 3×5 @ 60% 3×3 @70% 3×2 @75% Conditioning 8m AMRAP 8 Toes to Bar 25FT Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge 50/35 8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 Read More
That’s how I say it. I am pretty sure a read an article that said it is called “La CROY” and it is from Wisconsin….not Paris…. or Pareeee (said with thick French accent). Anywho – as I am typing this I am consuming one of my favorite beverages- Lime La Croix. So crack open your...Read More
On Saturday November 4th we will be having the Fall Fest Fundraiser. Within our ranks we have a brave and courageous woman who has been battling Breast Cancer. She is strong, vibrant and ever caring for others even in her time of need. She recommended a local Oakdale Family with small children who is also...Read More
YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT A FAMILY WHO CROSSFITS TOGETHER……. They get STRONG TOGETHER, of course! You’re in for a real treat with these CFO spotlight athletes. We get to learn more about Wendy, Joe and Joe Jr Petroni . We have watched them all get stronger and push past their comfort zone limits....Read More
This will be our final weeks of the current strength cycle. This week we will Squat on Monday, Shoulder Press on Wednesday and Deadlift on Friday. The big change is we will add 5% across all sets. At least for me, these numbers have been pretty challenging. Especially the squat numbers. So warm up them...Read More